

Our care and concern for a patient goes beyond just their physical health. We understand if you can’t afford health care, can’t pay for your basic utilities or don’t have enough to feed your children, that your personal world will be filled with stress which can lead to medical problems.

While we can’t help with all problems, our Case Managers attempt to find any resource that can provide for our patients. Many times the help needed is just temporary, but it can make a big difference in a person's life. Our Outreach department is the heart and soul of our organization.

Two of our larger programs are designed to help our youth. Summer Day Camp and ASPIRE:

ResourceCare also offers the following services, such as:

  • Case Management
  • Enrollment Assistance with
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • SNAP
  • SSI
  • Marketplace
  • Utility Assistance
  • Medicare
  • And More!
  • Rx Assistance
  • Transportation
  • Assistance with Referrals
  • Referral Coordinators

Summer Day Camp (Albany)

Summer Day Camp has been a part of our organization since 1998. It initially began to help reduce the youth crime rate during the summer months in Albany with the first camp only registering around 15 kids. Over the years it has grown to be so much more than when it started.

Currently Day Camp is registering around 175 kids ages 3-12 for a total of 3 weeks during the month of July. 40 High School students are also given jobs as camp counselors and we usually have around 10 junior high volunteers.

Camp helps provide a safe place during the summer months as well as educational experiences.

The children take tours of the local fire department, City Library, and Old Jail Art Center, as well as participate in a day of community service in the town of Albany. They also swim daily from 1-3 and other recreational activities throughout the day. Breakfast snacks are provided each morning as well as warm nutritional meals for lunch that are sponsored by the Summer Food Program.

To register your child you can contact ResourceCare at 325-762-2447. Contact Mindy Ary at 325-762-2447 extension 112.

Watch A Video Review of 2014's
Summer Day Camp (10min)

ASPIRE (After School Program Initiating Reinforcement in Education)

Albany, Baird, Breckenridge, Clyde, Cross Plains, and Merkel elementary schools. Children are able to get help with homework, reading comprehension, computer labs to help improve spelling as well as required state testing. Children are chosen for the program by teachers and counselors based on their overall performance in school and barriers they are facing at home. High school students are also hired to help the teaching staff provide one on one attention to the kids as well as with homework and recreation time. This program has been very successful in the overall improvements of the kids who are enrolled and has been vital in there advancing to the next grade level. ASPIRE is currently funded by the United Way of Abilene as well as local contributions.

Program Director: Mindy Ary

Camp Directors: Raquel Varela and

                          Makenzie Marshall


If you need help understanding the new complex world of healthcare and the insurance marketplace, we have trained staff that can help you navigate this new uncertain world. Not sure about how to use healthcare.gov? Do you qualify for a discount or other government programs? Ask for an appointment with our Outreach and Enrollment Specialist - they will be glad to assist you.

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